

I think it was last week (although it could have been the week before) that I printed the linocut edition of the smeuse at Richard Lawrence’s workshop. That edition will be available, somehow and some time, through Penguin books, but I don’t know when. The days have passed in a strange mist of insomnia and now myself and Comrade Winstanley have completed the edition of screen prints of the Smeuse. As you can see, it includes a flower; a snowdrop, to be precise. I’ve never done a flower before, and I don’t know what it means that I’ve done one now. Perhaps I am mellowing with age, like a dodgy home-made vodka, and next I’ll do a cute little kitten.  Who knows, pop kids? Anything could happen.

Once we have printed the Dark Mountain edition and another print that’s in production called Moon Road we will be opening a new online boutique, which will be retailing these three new screen prints as well as some other work. Watch this space, innit.

27th January 2015